GSU Education Centre

GSU Education Centre

Capacity Building for Surgical Research

Welcome to the GSU Education Centre our hub for all things education and training. You'll find courses, online resources and webinars on a variety of surgical research topics. 

Explore our resources by subject where you will find a collection of small mobile learning objects, short online modules and larger online courses all of which can be freely accessed, anywhere and anywhen.

If you are an academic looking to teach using our materials we are developing dedicated resources - but you will need to register for teacher access.

Explore the Resources by Subject

Feb 2024 Update:  20  new learning resources have been added with 10 more in active development

A rich variety of different types of learning resources

Expert recorded lectures from researchers actively involved in surgical research

Mobile learning resources delivering bite-sized learning opportunities

Short interactive online coures grounded in surgical research

Webinars delivered by global experts in surgical research

Opportunities to register for longer courses that provide certificates of completion

Funding was provided by a National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Global Health Research Unit Grant (NIHR133364). The views expressed on this site and in all our learning resources are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the UK Department of Health and Social Care.